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Charles F. Wolhar and Elizabeth C. Dinger are the parents of William Aloysius Wolhar. The records contain several spellings of the family name including Wolhar, Wolherr, Wollherr, and perhaps Woller.

What we do know about this couple relies on info we have learned about their son, William Aloysius Wolhar:

  • 1907 Wilmington City Directory has William A Wollherr living with shoemaker Charles F. and Elizabeth Wollherr

  • 1911 Marriage Record (Anna S. Conway) list William A. Wolherr's parents as Charles F. Wolherr and Elizabeth C. Dinger

  • 1953 Marriage Record (Xina Alford Foret) lists William Aloysius Wolhar's parents as Charles J. and Elizabeth D. Wolhar - both deceased.

  • 1957 Death Certificate for William Aloysius Wolhar states that William was born on June 10, 1890 in Kandas City Kansas to Charles Wolhar and Catherine --?--

The oddball record here is the 1953 Marriage License which identifies William's parents as Charles J. and Catherine D. Wolhar.